Emoji: Our First Global Language?
Emojis are everywhere, on every device and in apps. Could they become a global language?
Why SuperApps Won’t Work in the West
Super apps like WeChat work well in Asia, but haven't succeeded in the West. Why? It's about culture. Let's explore.
Why Technology Creates More Job
The biggest job losses due to technology? Over 20 million horses. Technology creates more jobs, not less. Here's why.
Google’s Place in Society & Culture
Search is a basic human action. In the digital age, it has taken on new meanings. What is Google's place in modern culture? More than you might think.
Culture: The Arbiter of Technology
Culture is the ultimate arbiter of all technologies, going back to stone age tools to today. Why?
Why Podcasts Are A Cultural Artefact
Podcasts have become a cultural artefact. Why? What does this mean for the bold future of podcasting?
Global Technologies & Cultural Adoption
Most digital technologies have gone global. What does this mean for culture and cultural adoption?
Robots And How We’re Socialising Them
How are we socialising robots? Why is that important and what does it mean for the future of robots and humanity?