My work covers both the business sector and public sector. I’ve lead and completed over 180 of these research projects. It helps too, that I have over 25 years global marketing experience, building and leading marketing teams as well as my digital (cultural) anthropology background. I can share additional case studies upon request.

Private Sector - Business:

Buying Behaviour Insights - Outdoor Equipment

A major manufacturer of outdoor winter and summer recreational vehicles had tons of data telling them what people bought and when, which was useful. But nothing that told them why and what was involved with buying decisions and how consumers went about discovering such products.

Within a couple of weeks, we helped them understand that missing piece; the why. The result of our work helped them create new creative campaigns, better social media content and up their content game. Leveraging our insights helped increase sales across three product categories by 8.4% in the first year.

Improved Customer Journey Experience

A regional provider of energy services and products to the consumer market saw through their hard data such as website analytics and CX journeys that their conversion rates were falling. They engaged me to do a. Scan of their brand in social media and competitors. We discovered their CX journey and processes were too complicated and had too many steps. All designed for their internal processes, rather than the customer.

Our insights helped them reduce friction to the purchase point and make it easier to make buying decisions by changing the language and the brand presentation. CAC rose by 32.1% in the first 6 months, contributing directly to the bottom line in two product categories.

Finding New Tourism Markets

Anne of Green Gables is a globally recognised brand. For the 100th anniversary celebrations, I was retained to identify the most popular countries and how the brand is portrayed for their planned digital marketing campaign to attract visitors to Prince Edward Island.

As a result of our research, which was completed in just two weeks and at a significantly lower cost than traditional research, we found three new markets they’d never suspected. They changed up their planned ad campaigns and the campaign saw a whopping 26.4% improvement in tourism traffic from the newly discovered countries!

Public Sector

Online Hate Speech & Political Violence

A global IGO and NGO was concerned about upcoming elections in Côte d’Ivoire and tasked us with understanding if online hate speech translates to political violence in the street. This was groundbreaking research. We used as our data sets Kenya, Zimbabwe and Côte d’Ivoire. 

We showed the pathways and how this happens and key triggers as well as cultural implications and influences in this type of activity. We do not know how our insights were used.

Natural Disaster - Post Event Analysis

A Canadian province had suffered from a major natural disaster event. As part of the post-event analysis, the government wanted to understand how citizens had used digital channels to help one another during the event to learn how they could better use social media channels in public communications during emergencies.

The result of our work saw the department implement new public communications policies, guidelines and identify the best channels for public engagement. As a result, another event two years later saw significant public approval of how the government communicated.